About Bhrigu Rish

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Bhrigu emerged as a revered sage in Hinduism, counted among the esteemed Saptarshis (seven great sages) and acknowledged as a Prajapati, entrusted with the role of facilitating creation alongside Brahma. He holds the distinction of being the pioneer in predictive astrology, credited as the author of Bhrigu Samhita, a timeless astrological (Jyotish) masterpiece. Bhrigu is also recognized as a Manasa Putra (“mind-born son”) of Brahma. The adjectival form “Bhargava” is used to denote both Bhrigu’s descendants and his school of thought.

According to Manusmriti, Bhrigu existed during the era of Manu, a significant figure in Hindu ancestry, and was instrumental in shaping the Manusmriti through his profound contributions. His hermitage, located near the Vadhusar River, a tributary of the Drishadwati River close to Dhosi Hill, was situated in the Vedic domain of Brahmavarta, which is now situated on the border of Haryana and Rajasthan, India.

In conjunction with his spouse Khyati, one of Prajapati Kardama’s nine daughters, Bhrigu’s lineage flourished. Khyati, recognized as the Daughter of Prajapati Daksha, bore him two sons, Dhata and Vidhata. Another son named Shukra, a learned sage and mentor of the asuras (demons), was born from Bhrigu’s union with Kavyamata (Usana). Bhrigu’s legacy also extended to other notable figures, including the sage Chyavana, who is considered his son with Puloma, and the folk hero Mrikanda. The esteemed sage Jamadagni, a descendant of Bhrigu, subsequently fathered sage Parashurama, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.